All Our Yesterdays – #climate histories project launched: ideas wanted. #climatejustice #digitalhumanities

A new website, with a blog about the histories of climate policy, science and justice for every day of the year, has been launched.

“All Our Yesterdays – 365 Climate Histories” seeks to help people and organisations understand the long histories that lie beneath the current dilemmas, and to help people reflect on what has and has not ‘worked’ on science communication, policymaking and – most of all – active engagement by social movement organisations in shaping collective futures.

Going for the early 80s aesthetic…

The project has been launched by Environmental Politics’ social media editor, Dr Marc Hudson. He said

“There’s a real ‘Groundhog Day’ element to policymaking and activism, and to a lot of scholarship too. “AOY” is going to shine a light not just on the big international processes, but also the local efforts of people to get clean air, clean water, justice and a habitable planet for future generations. It will celebrate successes, but also point to times when we’ve kept doing the same thing over and over and yet expected a different result.”

Help wanted

So far the website has had posts about weather modification (“Control the weather before the Commies do”), Greenpeace vs a US President, local green groups surviving abeyance and strategic hand-wringing about climate refugees.

In the coming days and weeks it will tackle many other topics nonviolent economic action, Blueprint for Survival and religious action.

As well as following on Twitter and sharing posts, there are concrete things Dr Hudson is hoping for from activists and scholars.

“In January we will have at least 4 guest posts, including from two people of colour, writing about the world ‘beyond Europe.’ Success for the site would look like at least 15% of the posts to be guest posts. For the project to be useful, it can’t just a bunch of Europeans writing about Europe and North America. So if people reading this have a suggested event, even if they’re not up for writing the blog post about it themselves, it would be great if they could suggest them, either in the comments or by emailing”

The project is not affiliated to any academic institution, journal, political party or campaigning group. It’s published under a Creative Commons NonCommercial 3.0 License. It will run for the year of 2022.

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