What we do and where

As the social media landscape changes, this post is a guide to what we publish, and where. This post will be updated when necessary.

Environmental Politics journal

Our official Taylor and Francis journal website is here. This is where you can find our back catalogue, and information on how to submit an article with us.

We also run this website you are currently on, where we publish editorial announcements, guest posts, book reviews, and more.

Social media

We have a Substack which goes out every Friday, with a review of everything that has been published that week across the journal and the website. This has become useful as algorithms change and make it harder to reach everybody. Subscribe for free.

We are still on Twitter as this is where we have built our largest community. Follow us there where we share our publications, website guest posts, and anything else of interest to the research community. This includes articles from other journals, call for papers, job opportunities, etc.

We are also on Bluesky, where the academic community seems to be rebuilding. Follow us there if you’re no longer on Twitter. Get in touch if you would like a code, we often have some to share.

And that’s all for now! See you out there!

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