Latest issue Vol 32, 5, out now

The latest issue is out now. See below for details of the articles

Research articles

Explaining differences in party reactions to the Fridays for Future-movement – a qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of parties in three European countries
Lars E. Berker & Jan Pollex
Pages: 755-792

Between Europeanisation and politicisation: wolf policy and politics in Germany Krzysztof Niedziałkowski
Pages: 793-814

A feminist climate policy? Examining Canada’s climate commitments
Anusheh Fawad, Andrea M. Collins & Neil Craik
Pages: 815-837

Progressive selection and the erosion of Canadian environmental governance: evidence from elite interviews
Christopher J. Orr & James W. Fyles
Pages: 838-860

Doubling down on DAPL: the contentious politics of pipeline governance in Illinois Anna G. Sveinsdóttir & McKenzie F. Johnson
Pages: 861-882

Climate security reversed: the implications of alternative security policies for global warming
Kjølv Egeland
Pages: 883-902

Environmental apocalypse and space: the lost dimension of the end of the world
Suvi Alt
Pages: 903-922

Brief report

Political ecologies of green-collar crime: understanding illegal trades in European wildlife
George Iordăchescu, Teresa Lappe-Osthege, Hannah Dickinson, Rosaleen Duffy & Charlotte Burns
Pages: 923-930

Book reviews

The pivotal generation: why we have a moral responsibility to slow climate change right now by Henry Shue, Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2022
Reviewed by: Francisco Garcia-Gibson
Pages: 931-933

When Fracking Comes to Town: governance, planning, and economic impacts of the US Shale Boom edited by Sabina E. Deitrick and Ilia Murtazashvili, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2022
Reviewed by: Jonathan M. Fisk
Pages: 933-935

Organising responses to climate change: the politics of mitigation, adaptation and suffering by Daniel Nyberg, Christopher Wright and Vanessa Bowden. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022
Reviewed by: David L. Levy
Pages: 935-937

America’s energy gamble: people, economy and planet by Shanti Gamper-Rabindran. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022
Reviewed by Geoffrey Henderson
Pages: 937-939

Rock | water | life: ecology and humanities for a Decolonial South Africa By Lesley Green (with a foreword by Isabelle Stengers), Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2020
Reviewed by Synne Movik
Pages: 940-942

No other planet: Utopian visions for a climate-changed world by Mathias Thaler, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2022
Reviewed by Joe P. L. Davidson
Pages: 942-944

National climate change acts: the emergence, form and nature of national framework climate legislation edited by Thomas L. Muinzer, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2020
Reviewed by: Zhu Li & Ya-Ru Zhu
Pages: 945-947

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